quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2008

feliz natal - merry christmas

feliz natal- Merry Christmas

San Francisco 24th December 2008

Queridos amigos(as)

Paz e Bem!!

Escrevo-lhes para enviar minha mensagem de natal, esperando neste tempo e no tempo vindouro colheitas abundantes ,naquilo que temos plantado em nome de Cristo neste mundo. Desejo compartir com os irmaos meus desejos de oracao de paz e justica por todo o mundo e semear com a oracao a semente da paz e da mudanca do coracao.

Orem comigo neste dia, pelos Paises da Africa que passam por crises economicas, politicas e em seus coracoes..lembrem em especial Rwanda, Uganda,Zimbabwe e paises de lina muculmanda onde a minoria crista e esmagada com forca e rivalidade..Oremos..

Deus abencoe acada um de voces e que o Espirito esteja com voces neste dia.

marry Christmas

Br Ivanildo ssf

Viver o Evangelho franciscanamente
Francisco de Assis, com sua forma de vida inspirada no Evangelho, toma-se sinal de esperança para os homens do futuro, como promotores da fraternidade, da paz, da justiça, da solidariedade e da partilha.

Seu apelo ressoa forte e vigoroso. Sua mensagem é sempre atual, porque foi e é uma mensagem de Paz e Bem. O seu projeto de vida, inspirado no Evangelho, torna-o sinal de pobreza, fraternidade e paz.

Qual seria o segredo de Francisco, para orientar sua vida ao encontro dos homens e da história? Dir-se-ia que foram três fortes motivações ou fontes que o levaram a esta atitude de vida: o envio dos discípulos, a exigência de uma vida pobre e a mensagem de paz.

O mundo estava em ebulição. A mensagem evangélica devia acompanhar os passos desta transformação, mas sem o signo da dominação e do poder. Só pelo caminho da mobilidade evangélica e da pobreza construir-se-á a comunhão fraterna e a reconciliação entre pessoas e povos.

Francisco tinha um objetivo muito claro: levar Deus aos homens e levar os homens a Deus, tendo o Evangelho como ponto de partida e ponto de chegada. Este ideal vivido por Francisco toma-se uma provocação para o seu tempo, pois ele queria levar as pessoas à transformação pessoal e comunitária.

A tradição nos conta que, no eremitério de Poggio Bustone, envolvido por tribulações e sofrimentos, Francisco faz o primeiro envio de seus irmãos, com a mensagem franciscana de "O Senhor vos dê a paz" (ICel 23), ou "Paz e Bem." E nos povoados do Vale de Rieti, introduziu a saudação: "Buon giorno, buona gente"! - "Bom dia, gente boa"! Revela-se aqui a personalidade deste homem evangélico, promotor da paz e da fraternidade.

Extraído do livro "Francisco, um Encanto de Vida", de Frei Atílio Abati, Editora Vozes.

terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2008



Queridos amigos e amigas!!..E uam satisfacao relatar mais um episodio acontecido no mes de Outubro na Cidade de San Francisco-USA.
Como parte da Diocese que somos e como grupo religioso que somos e fazemos parte da Sociedade de Sao Francisco, fomos convidados todos a participar da COnvencao desta Diocese que aconteceu no dia 13 de Outubro e que por
Br JUde e apresentado ao Bispo D.Naudal
Br Jude is introduced to the Rt.Naudal

coincidencia, pois nao sabia da Visita do Bispo de Curitiba, pude encontra-lo no Salguao da Catedral ,evidentemente no dia anterior a Convencao propriamente dita..Na Sexta feira iniciou o Concilium da Igreja com adoracao e louvor ao Deus Trino, alem da belissima musica e da Eucaristia ,que foi celebrada e fora cantada pelo Arcebispo Marc...A HOmilia ficou por conta do BIspo de Curitba ,que pregou muito bem e infatizou adinamica do espirito de luta e de encorajamento, chmaando a vida e a partilha na dimensao da Konomia..Enfim serviu-se de uma interprete , para que assim seu trabalho fosse muito bem realizado..Enfim sua mensagem foi transmitida.Distribui a comunhao junto commo BIspo Marc e um Sacerdote anglicano de Curitiba que estava entre a sua comitiva,,,A Reverenda Carmem Etel,que e marco historico no Brasil em se tratando de primeira mulher a ser Ordenada sacerdote..etc.Apos a Missa como ja foi falado no texto logo acima,,,tivemos uma danceteria com musicas tipicas do Brasil e dancas folcloricas, as quais sao muito popular no Brasil.Os bispos participaram com alegria desta comunhao tambem.Pude conversar um pouco co O Bispo de Curitiba Dom Naudal e Carmem Etel,,nao pude alargar muito a conversa pois foi um dia muito atarefado..mais memso assim podemos compartir juntos.Certamente Dom Naudal teve a possibilidade de conhecer um grupo de franciscanos, que estavam na catedral,sendo apresentados por alguns: Br Simon, Br Maximilamno, Richard ja conhecido. Este ultimo desde uma visita ao Brasil em 2007 juntamente com o Padre FOx,,e Conheceu o nosso Provincial Br Jude Hill no dia seguinte no salgao de Palestras que foram apresentados pelo Br Richard JOnathan.
Enfim fora um momento muito agradavel..foi uma penaa que noa houve um tmepo pra ele visitar nossas Comunidades aqui na Bahia de San Francisco..Mas teremos outras oportunidades com a graca de Deus.E este encontro para nos tem significado importante, pois no Brasil se sonha ainda com uma possibilidade de no futuro estabelecer uma casa da familia franciscana com irmaos do Brasil.Sem duvida podemos levar isto em sonhos, pois a verdadeira resposta disto cabe ao Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Certamente que o BIspo seja ele quem for e de onde quer que ele venha,,ele deve entender da vida religiosa e compreender a dimensao de grandesa quando irmaos de uma ordem deseja viver a vida da Igreja na Comunidade e assim assumir seu compromisso segundo o carisma do fundador..Tenho certeza que o BIspo e Curitiba nos olharar com carinho e dimensao esta nossa escolha por opcao e por sentir a vida de Francicano compartivel com o chamado a vida de doacao, amor e compaixao pelos irmaos que sofrem e daqueles que veem nos franciscanos um irmao a servir e cooperar.
Que Deus abencoe a todos..
br Ivanildo ssf

Franciscan Brothers meet with the Bishop Dom Naudal of Curitiba

Dear friends and friends! .. It is a satisfaction with another episode happened in the month of October in the City of San Francisco-USA.
As part of the diocese we are and how religious group and that we are part of the Society of St. Francis, we were all invited to attend the Convention of this Diocese that happened on October 13, and that by coincidence, not because he knew the visit of the Bishop of Curitiba, I could find it in Salguao the Cathedral of course the day before the convention itself .. On Friday started the Convention with worship and praise to God Trino, besides the beautiful music and the Eucharist, which was celebrated and outside sung by Archbishop Marc ... The homily was for the Bishop of Curitba, who preached very well and put in deep the adynamia the spirit of struggle and encouragement, calling life and sharing in the size of the Konomia .. Anyway served is an interpreter , So that their work was well done .. Anyway his message was transmitida.Distribui communion with the Bishop How Marc and an Anglican priest from Curitiba that was among his entourage,,, The Reverend Carmen Etel, and that milestone in history Brazil in the case of the first woman to be ordained .. etc.Apos the Mass as has been discussed in the text immediately above, we had a disco with music typical of Brazil and folkloric dances, which are very popular in Brasil. bishops participated with joy this communion tambem.Pude talk a little part of Curitiba Bishop Dom Naudal and Carmen Etel, I was unable to extend the conversation because it was very a very busy day .. more that way to share together.
Certainly the Naudal had a possibility to meet a group of Franciscans, who were in the cathedral, being presented by some: Br Simon, Br Maximilamno, Richard already known. The latter provided a visit to Brazil in 2007 together with Father Fox, and knew our Provincial Br Jude Hill the following day in salgao of Talks which were presented by Jonathan Richard Br.
Finally off a very pleasant moment .. It is unfortunate that there wasn"t for him visit our communities here in Bay Area .. But we have other opportunities with the grace of God. this meeting for us ithas important significance, because in Brazil is still a dream in the future possibility of establishing a family's home with Franciscan brothers of Brasil.Sem doubts can take it in dreams, because the real answer to this lies our Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly, the bishop is he who is and wherever it comes, he must understand the religious life and understand the magnitude of bigness when an order of brothers want to live the life of the Church in Community and thereby take their commitment the charisma of the founder .. I'm sure that the bishop looked the Curitiba and with care and focus is our choice by choice and because they feel the life of Francicano compartivel with the so-called life of giving, love and compassion for the brothers who are suffering and those who see us a Franciscan brother and cooperate to serve.
May God bless everyone ..
br Ivanildo ssf

Don Naudal Prega
Don Naudal Prega na Catedral da Graca o dia da Convencao.. (2) Bishop Assistente is introduced to the Cathedral..O Bispo assistente assume o Pastoreo lda Diocese junto com o Bispo Marc.

(3) Inicio da Celebracao Eucaristia e por conseguinte a Convensao da Diocese da California.

04 franciscanos sao apresentados ao Bispo por Br Richard.Br. Simon and Mak e eu mesmo..

Convention 2008

Convention delegates voteDuring the week of October 13, the Diocese of California engaged in convention activities, concluding with the business meeting on Saturday, October 18. Convention week opened with regional events on Monday and Wednesday evening, led by the Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, bishop of California, the Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, assistant bishop of California, and the Rt. Rev. Naudal Alves Gomes, the bishop of Curitiba, Brazil, companion diocese to the Diocese of California. On Friday, a Eucharist service was held at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, followed by a dance party on the cathedral’s plaza. On Saturday, over 400 clergy and lay delegates gathered at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco for Morning Prayer and an address by Andrus. The participants then moved downstairs to Gresham Hall where they voted on committee members, changes to the constitution and canons, and a total of seven resolutions. (Information about voting results is available at diocal.org/convention .)

The regional events at the beginning of the week featured a conversation with the gathered bishops about their experiences at the Lambeth Conference. Then Gomes, his wife Carmen Regina, and his sister Carmem Etel spoke about their home diocese of Curitiba. The evenings concluded with an introduction to a Bible study that can be used in communal discernment for building area ministry.

On the evening of Friday, October 17, the convention Eucharist was celebrated at Grace Cathedral. The service featured liturgical dance expressions by the Omega West Dance Company and the seating of Charleston as assistant bishop to the diocese. “In the face of the reality experienced internally nowadays in the Anglican Church,” Gomes preached, “we need to be more and more engaged with the Good News of reconciliation. With gestures of hospitality and welcome; with attitudes of listening and inclusion of all people; in the search for life in communion, love, and solidarity; others might see our actions and say, ‘They have so much love for one another.’ Who knows, they might even consider this proposal for a life in Christ.”.

Convenção de 2008

Os Delegados Da Diocese Episcopal da California estiveram presentes a Convenção do dia 13 de outubro da Diocese da Califórnia engajados em atividades, conclue-se com reunião de negócios no sábado,18 de outubro . A semana da COnvencao abriu com eventos regionais na segunda-feira e quarta-feira à noite, liderada pela RT. Rev. Handley Marc Andrus, bispo da Califórnia, o RT. Rev. Steven Charleston, bispo auxiliar da Califórnia, e o RT. Rev. Naudal Alves Gomes, o bispo de Curitiba, Brasil, companheiro à Diocese da Califórnia. Na sexta-feira, uma Eucaristia de serviço foi realizada na Catedral Graca em San Francisco, seguida por uma dança cedido pela catedral no Atrio. No sábado, estveram mais de 400 sacerdotes e delegados leigos que se reuniram-na Catedral da Graca em San Francisco para a oração matinal e meditacao no anfiteatro , cuja meditacao fora dirigida por Andrus. Os participantes, em seguida, moveram para Gresham Hall onde eles votaram somo membros da comissão, as alterações à Constituição e dos Cânones, e um total de sete resoluções. (Informações adicionais sobre esses resultados está disponível no diocal.org / convenção.)

Os eventos regionais, no início da semana apresentou uma conversa com os bispos reunidos sobre suas experiências na Conferência Lambeth. Em seguida, Gomes, sua esposa Carmen Regina, e sua irmã Carmem Etel falou sobre sua casa diocese de Curitiba. A noite concluiu com uma introdução a um estudo bíblico que podem ser utilizados na área comunal discernimento para a construção de ministério.

Na noite de sexta-feira, 17 de outubro, Na convenção foi celebrada a Eucaristia na Catedral da Graca. O serviço foi caracterizado por manifestações de dança litúrgica Omega West Dance Company e os assentos de Charleston como bispo auxiliar para a diocese. "Em face da realidade vivida hoje no interior da Igreja Anglicana:" pregou Gomes, "temos de ser mais e mais envolvidos com a Boa Nova da reconciliação. Com gestos de hospitalidade e boas vindas, com atitudes de escuta e de inclusão de todas as pessoas, na busca de vida em comunhão, amor e solidariedade, outros poderão ver as nossas acções e diga: "Eles têm tanto amor por uma outra." Quem sabe, eles poderão até considerar esta proposta para uma vida em Cristo. "


Queridos amigos e amigas!!..E uam satisfacao relatar mais um episodio acontecido no mes de Outubro na Cidade de San Francisco-USA.
Como parte da Diocese que somos e como grupo religioso que somos e fazemos parte da Sociedade de Sao Francisco, fomos convidados todos a participar da COnvencao desta Diocese que aconteceu no dia 13 de Outubro e que por coincidencia, pois nao sabia da Visita do Bispo de Curitiba, pude encontra-lo no Salguao da Catedral ,evidentemente no dia anterior a Convencao propriamente dita..Na Sexta feira iniciou o Concilium da Igreja com adoracao e louvor ao Deus Trino, alem da belissima musica e da Eucaristia ,que foi celebrada e fora cantada pelo Arcebispo Marc...A HOmilia ficou por conta do BIspo de Curitba ,que pregou muito bem e infatizou adinamica do espirito de luta e de encorajamento, chmaando a vida e a partilha na dimensao da Konomia..Enfim serviu-se de uma interprete , para que assim seu trabalho fosse muito bem realizado..Enfim sua mensagem foi transmitida.Distribui a comunhao junto commo BIspo Marc e um Sacerdote anglicano de Curitiba que estava entre a sua comitiva,,,A Reverenda Carmem Etel,que e marco historico no Brasil em se tratando de primeira mulher a ser Ordenada sacerdote..etc.Apos a Missa como ja foi falado no texto logo acima,,,tivemos uma danceteria com musicas tipicas do Brasil e dancas folcloricas, as quais sao muito popular no Brasil.Os bispos participaram com alegria desta comunhao tambem.Pude conversar um pouco co O Bispo de Curitiba Dom Naudal e Carmem Etel,,nao pude alargar muito a conversa pois foi um dia muito atarefado..mais memso assim podemos compartir juntos.Certamente Dom Naudal teve a possibilidade de conhecer um grupo de franciscanos, que estavam na catedral,sendo apresentados por alguns: Br Simon, Br Maximilamno, Richard ja conhecido. Este ultimo desde uma visita ao Brasil em 2007 juntamente com o Padre FOx,,e Conheceu o nosso Provincial Br Jude Hill no dia seguinte no salgao de Palestras que foram apresentados pelo Br Richard JOnathan.
Enfim fora um momento muito agradavel..foi uma penaa que noa houve um tmepo pra ele visitar nossas Comunidades aqui na Bahia de San Francisco..Mas teremos outras oportunidades com a graca de Deus.E este encontro para nos tem significado importante, pois no Brasil se sonha ainda com uma possibilidade de no futuro estabelecer uma casa da familia franciscana com irmaos do Brasil.Sem duvida podemos levar isto em sonhos, pois a verdadeira resposta disto cabe ao Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Certamente que o BIspo seja ele quem for e de onde quer que ele venha,,ele deve entender da vida religiosa e compreender a dimensao de grandesa quando irmaos de uma ordem deseja viver a vida da Igreja na Comunidade e assim assumir seu compromisso segundo o carisma do fundador..Tenho certeza que o BIspo e Curitiba nos olharar com carinho e dimensao esta nossa escolha por opcao e por sentir a vida de Francicano compartivel com o chamado a vida de doacao, amor e compaixao pelos irmaos que sofrem e daqueles que veem nos franciscanos um irmao a servir e cooperar.
Que Deus abencoe a todos..
br Ivanildo ssf

Franciscan Brothers meet with the Bishop Dom Naudal of Curitiba

Dear friends and friends! .. It is a satisfaction with another episode happened in the month of October in the City of San Francisco-USA.
As part of the diocese we are and how religious group and that we are part of the Society of St. Francis, we were all invited to attend the Convention of this Diocese that happened on October 13, and that by coincidence, not because he knew the visit of the Bishop of Curitiba, I could find it in Salguao the Cathedral of course the day before the convention itself .. On Friday started the Convention with worship and praise to God Trino, besides the beautiful music and the Eucharist, which was celebrated and outside sung by Archbishop Marc ... The homily was for the Bishop of Curitba, who preached very well and put in deep the adynamia the spirit of struggle and encouragement, calling life and sharing in the size of the Konomia .. Anyway served is an interpreter , So that their work was well done .. Anyway his message was transmitida.Distribui communion with the Bishop How Marc and an Anglican priest from Curitiba that was among his entourage,,, The Reverend Carmen Etel, and that milestone in history Brazil in the case of the first woman to be ordained .. etc.Apos the Mass as has been discussed in the text immediately above, we had a disco with music typical of Brazil and folkloric dances, which are very popular in Brasil. bishops participated with joy this communion tambem.Pude talk a little part of Curitiba Bishop Dom Naudal and Carmen Etel, I was unable to extend the conversation because it was very a very busy day .. more that way to share together.
Certainly the Naudal had a possibility to meet a group of Franciscans, who were in the cathedral, being presented by some: Br Simon, Br Maximilamno, Richard already known. The latter provided a visit to Brazil in 2007 together with Father Fox, and knew our Provincial Br Jude Hill the following day in salgao of Talks which were presented by Jonathan Richard Br.
Finally off a very pleasant moment .. It is unfortunate that there wasn"t for him visit our communities here in Bay Area .. But we have other opportunities with the grace of God. this meeting for us ithas important significance, because in Brazil is still a dream in the future possibility of establishing a family's home with Franciscan brothers of Brasil.Sem doubts can take it in dreams, because the real answer to this lies our Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly, the bishop is he who is and wherever it comes, he must understand the religious life and understand the magnitude of bigness when an order of brothers want to live the life of the Church in Community and thereby take their commitment the charisma of the founder .. I'm sure that the bishop looked the Curitiba and with care and focus is our choice by choice and because they feel the life of Francicano compartivel with the so-called life of giving, love and compassion for the brothers who are suffering and those who see us a Franciscan brother and cooperate to serve.
May God bless everyone ..
br Ivanildo ssf

The Franciscan life and the life in the world

Chronology of the Life of St. Francis of Assisi

1181-82: born in Assisi. Baptized with the name of Giovanni di Pietro (father) di Bernardone (grandfather). Moved Francisco.

1202: War between Perugia and Assisi. Assisi unsuccessful in Collestrada. Francis, aged 20, is a prisoner years in turkeys. Redeemed by the father, due to illness. In that time it seems that the family of Clara is refugee in turkeys, with her 8 / 9 years of age.

1204: Long disease.

1204-05: Party for the war of Puglia in the south. Lap after vision and message of armed. Beginning of the gradual conversion. In June 1205 the warrior dies of Brienne Gautier, head of expeditions in South

1205: Message from the crucifix of San Damiano. Conflict with his father.

1206: January-February: issue before the bishop Dom Guido II.
March-June: In Gubbio, near Assisi, takes care of lepers.
Probably in July: back to Assisi. Clothes are starting to repair caveman and the chapel of San Damiano.

1208: Works in the repair of San Damiano, St. Peter and St. Mary of the Angels or Porziuncola.

1208: February 24: hear the Gospel of the Mass of San Matias in Portiuncula on the apostolic mission. Change the robes of hermit and passes the use of the itinerant preacher, barefoot. Top of the apostolic preaching. Here begins as the Franciscan way of life, apostolic, presence.
April 16: get your company on the brothers Bernardo and Pedro de QUINTAVALLE Cattani. On 23, receives his brother Egidio in Portiuncula.
March-June: the first mission. Francis and Egidio go to the mark from Ancona in the Adriatic coastline. You receive another three companions, including Philip (Long).
In September and March: the second mission. The seven will Poggiosbustone in the Valley of Rieti. After you have taken certificate of forgiveness of sins and the future growth of the Order, Francisco sends the six, and one more to them information, for the third mission, two by two. Egidio Bernardo and go to Florence.

1209: The eight are back on the Porziuncola. It is assemble them other four.
March-June: Francis Rule and will shortly write to Rome to the eleven. Obtains the approval of Pope Innocent III, only orally. This was the first Rule, lost. In return pass through Orte and take up residence in Rivotorto near Assisi, an abandoned ranch.

1209 or 1210: The brothers change Portiuncola themselves for, after a peasant takes to the ranch of his donkey stable.
Possible beginning of the Third Order Secular. The Portiuncula was the Benedictines cluniacenses that lent to Francis. It is the birthplace of the new Order.

1211: June-September: Francis Goes to Damácia and returns.

1212: March: on the night of Palm Sunday, the noble young Clara di Favarone flees from home and is received in Portiuncula. Maybe some day in May is the monastery of St. Paul and a few weeks in the Benedictine monastery of Panzo (near Assisi) and finally collects to San Damiano, where it will remain until his death in 1253. Followed by the Sister Agnes, 16 days later.

1213 or 1214-15: Francis wants to go on a mission to Morocco, among Muslims, but just enough to Spain, where seriously ill, returning to Italy soon. Thomas of Celano "thanked God that disease" because with the return of Francis, the order is received.

1216: June-September: Francis gets the successor to Innocent III, Pope Honorius III in turkeys, the forgiveness of Portiuncula.

1217: May 5: general chapter of Pentecost in Portiuncula. First mission beyond the Alps and overseas. Establishment of provinces. Frei Egidio go to Tunis. Father Elias to Syria. Francisco wants to travel to France but the Cardinal Hugolino, papal legate in Tuscany, finds him in Florence and convinces to stay in Italy.

1219: May 26: general chapter of Pentecost. Major missions abroad: Germany, Hungary, Spain, Morocco, France. In June, Francisco ranges from ship from Ancona to the Orient, like the others.
Those who go to France, questioned whether albigenses, answered affirmatively, not knowing that the albigenses are called heretics Qatar (pure) South of France. The bishop of Paris and the University lenses, examining its rule, that it is Catholic and evangelical. Run, however, the Pope, asking for information. The states with the Catholics and rule adopted by the Santa Sé.
For Germany traveling around 60. The only known German the word "Ya" (Ja) - yes. Asked if they want food or lodging, answered: "Yeah." Asked if they are heretics Lombardo (poor of Lombardy = Waldenses) and they can spread their errors, it also responds: "Yeah."
Prisoners, shabby, naked, ridiculed, suffer like dogs. Seeing that they can not bear fruit in Germany, back to Italy. Would henceforth begin to judge so cruel that Germany only by the desire of martyrdom return again to it.
In Hungary the missionaries also suffer the most harassment. When will the fields, the pastoral fanning the dogs against them and give them sticks. Thinking they want their clothes, give them the outer tunics. After the internal robes ... Eventually returning to Italy.
Those who go to Morocco, are martyred and then canonized as the Franciscans promártires (Beraldo, Peter, Acúrsio, Adjuto, Otto: 1220). Motivated by this fact, St. Anthony, then regular canon of Coimbra with the name of Fernando, seeking entry into the Franciscan Order.

1219: September-December: Francis goes to the camp of the Sultan of Egypt, Melek el-Kamel (1218-38), and has "interview" with him. The November 5, the army of crusaders takes Damieta, near Alexandria in Egypt. Francis has little result from the Sultan. Write the columnist who, on arrival, is mistreated. Ignoring the language of the Turks, only saying: "Soldano, Soldano." So is brought to their presence and then returned to loved by men from the armies that surround Damieta.

1220: Francisco travels to St. John D'Acre (Accon) where there is a stronghold of the cross, and goes to the Holy Land. In his absence, Francis leaves two "vicar", which, however, are beginning to innovate in order, establishing new day of fasting and abstinence, besides those already marked. A monk in charge of Clares, the Pope asks privileges in their favor, against the wishes of the saint, who prefers "win by more than humility for the power of law." Another, subtracting to the Order, seeks to establish a new order, for lepers of both sexes.

1220: March-September: alarmed by news that a monk leads the East, returns to Italy, landing in Venice. On that occasion, Cardinal Hugolino is appointed protector of the Order.

1220: Francisco handed over the governance of the Order Brother Pedro Cattani, as its vicar.

1221: March: Father Pedro Cattani dies.
May: general chapter of Pentecost. Brother Elias of Cortona vicar is elected to replace the deceased. Francisco presents the second rule (not bulada or not approved by papal bull), which Frei Cesario of Spiers, versed in Sacred Scripture, with many beautiful Bible texts.
Approved the Rule of the Third Order Secular by Pope Honorius II.

1221/1222: Francisco is a journey of preaching to the south of Italy.

1222: August 15: Feast of Assumption. Francis preaches in Bologna (seat of legal studies). His words aimed at more "extinguish enmities and reform the covenants of peace" as a listener reports. "Many factions of nobles, including old enmity there, with bloodshed, were brought to peace."

1223: Fonte Colombo, Francis writes the 3rd Rule, which is discussed in chapter general of June. The discussion continues in Rome, in October Francisco is addressed to the Pope to seek the approval.
Nov. 29: Honorius III approves, with papal bull, the final rule, still in force. The original text is preserved as a relic in the Holy Convent of Assisi. Probably there was collaboration of monks and the representative of Santa Sé.
24/25 December: the night of Christmas, Francisco celebrates the festival in Greccio, with a Nativity scene.

1224: June 2: following a mission of monks to England. Successful.
At the end of July or early August, the vicar of the Order, Father Elias is advised (dream or vision?), Which has yet Francisco two years of life.
August 15 to September 29: Francisco, with Brother Leo and Brother Rufino, is in Alverne, preparing themselves with a Lent of prayer and fasting for the feast of St. Michael Archangel.
In September, is the vision of Serafim winged and receives the stigmata.
In October or early November, returns to Portiuncula Francisco, via Borgo Holy Sepulcher, Mount and City of Castello CASELA.

1224: or 1225, Dec-Feb: riding a donkey, Francisco is a spin by the preaching of Umbria and Marche (Ancona).

1225: March: Visit Clara at San Damiano. His views worsen much, then. He wants to stay there in a cell, or in the home of the chaplain, but, bowing to requests from the vicar of the Order, Father Elias, consent to receive medical treatment: the season is very cold, and the treatment is transferred.
April or May: still in San Damiano, Francis receiving treatment, but does not improve. Receive the promise of eternal life. After a painful night, tormented by pain and by rats, composed the Canticle of Brother Sol Next to Santa Clara.
June: adds a verse to the Canticle of Brother Sun, celebrating the reconciliation between the bishop and Podestá of Assisi.
Early July: in Rieti hosted by Cardinal Hugolino and the papal court to undergo the medical treatment of cutting the pontiff. Source Vai to Colombo for treatment, under the insistence of Cardinal Hugolino, but differs because of the absence of Brother Elias.
July or August: Source in Columbus, the doctor cauterize the temples of Francisco, but with little result.
September: Francis goes to S. Fabiano, near Rieti (Forest), to be treated by another doctor, who operates his view. Then restores the vineyard of the poor p [MADRE, damaged by visitors from Francisco.

1226: Francisco now lives in Rieti, now in Colombo Source.
April: will the Seine for further treatment.
May or June: back to the Porziuncola, via Cortona.
July-August: in the heat of summer is taken to Bagnara, in the hills near Nocera.
End of August or early September: worsening health, is led through Nottiano to the palace of the bishop of Assisi. D. Guido thinks it is absent, on pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Michael, whose feast is celebrated on 29, on Mount Gargano.
Sensing impending death, asks to be taken to the Portiuncula. Reached the plains, launches its blessing on Assisi. In recent days, said the Testament, autotestemunho of inestimable value to the lives and purposes of man so unique.
With the proximity of death, asking that the lie naked on the floor. After accepting the loan habit that gives him the guardian. Do read the Gospel of the Last Supper and bless their children, present and future.

1226: October 3, afternoon: Francisco singing "suscepit mortem" (died singing). On the following Sunday, October 4, is buried in the church of St. George, in the town of Assisi, but the funeral passes before the monastery of San Damiano, for the farewell to Clara.

Vida Franciscana presente na Historia e no mundo...

Cronologia da Vida de São Francisco de Assis

1181/82: Nasce em Assis. Batizado com o nome de Giovanni di Pietro (pai) di Bernardone (avô). Mudado para Francisco.

1202: Guerra entre Perúsia e Assis. Assis vencida em Collestrada. Francisco, com 20 anos, passa um ano preso em Perúsia. Resgatado pelo pai, devido à doença. Nesse tempo parece que a família de Clara está refugiada em Perúsia; ela com 8/9 anos de idade.

1204: Longa doença.

1204/05: Parte para a guerra da Apúlia, no sul. Volta após visão e mensagem de Espoleto. Começo da conversão gradual. Em junho de 1205 morre o guerreiro Gautier de Brienne, chefe das expedições no Sul.

1205: Mensagem do crucifixo de São Damião. Conflito com o pai.

1206: Janeiro-fevereiro: questão perante o bispo Dom Guido II.
Março-junho: em Gúbio, perto de Assis, cuida dos leprosos.
Provavelmente em julho: volta a Assis. Veste-se de eremita e começa a reparação da capela de São Damião.

1208: Trabalha na reparação de São Damião, São Pedro e Santa Maria dos Anjos ou Porciúncula.

1208: 24 de fevereiro: ouve o Evangelho da missa de São Matias, na Porciúncula, sobre a missão apostólica. Muda as vestes de eremita e passa a usar as de pregador ambulante, descalço. Início da pregação apostólica. Aqui propriamente começa o estilo de vida franciscana, apostólica, de presença.
16 de abril: recebe em sua companhia os irmãos Bernardo de Quintavalle e Pedro Cattani. No dia 23, recebe o irmão Egídio na Porciúncula.
Março-junho: a primeira missão. Francisco e Egídio vão à marca de Ancona no litoral adriático. Recebe mais três companheiros, inclusive Filipe (Longo).
Em setembro e março: segunda missão. Os sete vão a Poggiosbustone no vale de Rieti. Depois de ter-se certificado do perdão dos pecados e do futuro crescimento da Ordem, Francisco envia os seis, e mais um que lhes agregara, para a terceira missão, dois a dois. Bernardo e Egídio vão à Florença.

1209: Os oito voltam à Porciúncula. Ajuntam-se-lhes outros quatro.
Março-junho: Francisco escreve breve Regra e vai a Roma com os onze. Obtém a aprovação do Papa Inocêncio III, só oralmente. Seria esta a primeira Regra, perdida. Na volta passam por Orte e se estabelecem em Rivotorto perto de Assis, num rancho abandonado.

1209 ou 1210: Os frades mudam-se para a Porciúncula, depois que um camponês toma o rancho para estábulo de seu burro.
Possível começo da Ordem Terceira Secular. A Porciúncula era dos beneditinos cluniacenses que a emprestaram a Francisco. Torna-se o berço da nova Ordem.

1211: Junho-setembro: Francisco vai à Damácia e retorna.

1212: Março: na noite do domingo de Ramos, a nobre jovem Clara di Favarone foge de casa e é recebida na Porciúncula. Talvez em maio fica alguns dias no mosteiro de São Paulo e algumas semanas no mosteiro beneditino de Panzo (perto de Assis) e por fim recolhe-se a São Damião, onde fica até a sua morte, em 1253. Segue-a a irmã Inês, 16 dias depois.

1213 ou 1214/15: Francisco pretende ir em missão a Marrocos, entre os muçulmanos, mas chega apenas à Espanha, onde adoece gravemente, retornando logo à Itália. Tomás de Celano "agradece a Deus esta doença", porque com a volta de Francisco, é recebido na Ordem.

1216: Junho-setembro: Francisco obtém do sucessor de Inocëncio III, o Papa Honório III, em Perúsia, a indulgência da Porciúncula.

1217: 5 de maio: capítulo geral de Pentecostes na Porciúncula. Primeira missão para além dos Alpes e ultramarina. Instituição de províncias. Frei Egídio vai para Túnis. Frei Elias para a Síria. Francisco pretende viajar para a França, mas o Cardeal Hugolino, legado papal na Toscana, encontra-o em Florença e o convence a permanecer na Itália.

1219: 26 de maio: capítulo geral de Pentecostes. Grandes missões no exterior: Alemanha, Hungria, Espanha, Marrocos, França. Em junho, Francisco vai de navio de Ancona para o Oriente, a exemplo dos outros.
Os que vão à França, interrogados se são albigenses, respondem afirmativamente, não sabendo que albigenses são denominados os hereges cátaros (puros) do Sul da França. O bispo de Paris e lentes da Universidade, examinando a sua Regra, constatam que a mesma é católica e evangélica. Dirigem-se, porém, ao Papa, pedindo informações. Este declara-os católicos e com Regra aprovada pela Santa Sé.
Para a Alemanha viajam cerca de 60. Do alemão conhecem apenas a palavra "Ya" (Ja) - sim. Perguntados se querem comida ou hospedagem, respondem: "Ya". Perguntados se são hereges lombardos (pobres da Lombardia = Valdenses) e se vêm espalhar seus erros, também respondem: "Ya".
Presos, surrados, despidos, ridicularizados, sofrem como cães. Vendo que não podem produzir frutos na Alemanha, voltam para a Itália. Começam daí por diante a julgar tão cruel a Alemanha que só pelo desejo do martírio voltariam outra vez para lá.
Na Hungria também os missionários sofrem os maiores vexames. Quando vão pelos campos, os pastores atiçam os cães contra eles e dão-lhes cacetadas. Pensando que querem sua roupa, dão-lhes as túnicas exteriores. Depois as vestes internas... Acabam voltando para a Itália.
Os que vão para Marrocos, são martirizados e depois canonizados como os promártires franciscanos (Beraldo, Pedro, Acúrsio, Adjuto, Otão: 1220). Movido por esse fato, Santo Antônio, então cônego regular de Coimbra com o nome de Fernando, pede ingresso na Ordem Franciscana.

1219: Setembro-dezembro: Francisco vai ao acampamento do Sultão do Egito, Melek-el-Kamel (1218-38), e tem "entrevista" com ele. A 5 de novembro, o exército dos cruzados toma Damieta, perto de Alexandria, no Egito. Francisco tem pouco resultado junto ao Sultão. Escreve o cronista que, ao chegar, é maltratado. Ignorando a língua dos turcos, apenas diz: "Soldan, Soldan". Então é levado à sua presença e depois reconduzido por homens amados para junto dos exércitos que cercam Damieta.

1220: Francisco viaja para São João D´Acre (Accon), onde há uma fortaleza dos cruzados, e vai à Terra Santa. Na sua ausência, Francisco deixa dois "vigários", que, porém, começam a introduzir novidades na Ordem, instituindo novos dias de jejum e abstinência, além dos já marcados. Um frade, encarregado das clarissas, pede privilégios ao Papa em favor delas, contra a vontade do santo, que prefere "vencer pela humildade mais que pelo poder da lei". Outro, subtraindo-se à Ordem, pretende fundar uma nova Ordem, para leprosos de ambos os sexos.

1220: Março-setembro: alarmado pelas notícias que um frade leva ao Oriente, retorna à Itália, desembarcando em Veneza. Nessa ocasião, o Cardeal Hugolino é nomeado protetor da Ordem.

1220: Francisco entrega o governo da Ordem a Frei Pedro Cattani, como seu vigário.

1221: Março: morre Frei Pedro Cattani.
Maio: capítulo geral de Pentecostes. Frei Elias de Cortona é eleito vigário em substituição ao falecido. Francisco apresenta a segunda Regra (não bulada ou não aprovada por bula papal), que Frei Cesário de Espira, versado em Sagrada Escritura, adornou com muitos textos bíblicos.
Aprovada a Regra da Ordem Terceira Secular pelo papa Honório II.

1221/1222: Francisco faz uma viagem de pregação ao Sul da Itália.

1222: 15 de agosto: Festa de Assunção. Francisco prega em Bolonha (sede de estudos jurídicos). Suas palavras visam mais "extinguir inimizades e reformar os pactos de paz", conforme relata um ouvinte. "Muitas facções de nobres, entre os quais existia velha inimizade, com derramamento de sangue, foram levadas a pacificação".

1223: Fonte Colombo, Francisco redige a 3ª Regra, que é discutida no capítulo geral de junho. A discussão continua em Roma, e em outubro Francisco se dirige ao Papa para pedir a aprovação.
29 de novembro: Honório III aprova, com bula papal, a Regra definitiva, ainda hoje em vigor. O texto original conserva-se como relíquia no Sacro Convento de Assis. Provavelmente houve colaboração dos frades e do representante da Santa Sé.
24/25 de dezembro: na noite de Natal, Francisco celebra a festa em Greccio, junto a um presépio.

1224: 2 de junho: segue uma missão de frades para a Inglaterra. Bem sucedida.
Em fim de julho ou início de agosto, o vigário da Ordem, Frei Elias é advertido (sonho, ou visão?), que Francisco terá ainda dois anos de vida.
15 de agosto a 29 de setembro: Francisco, com Frei Leão e Frei Rufino, passa no Alverne, preparando-se com uma quaresma de oração e jejum para a festa de São Miguel Arcanjo.
Em setembro, tem a visão do Serafim alado e recebe os estigmas.
Em outubro ou início de novembro, Francisco retorna à Porciúncula, via Borgo Santo Sepulcro, Monte Casele e Cidade de Castello.

1224: ou 1225, dezembro-fevereiro: cavalgando um jumento, Francisco faz um giro de pregações pela Úmbria e Marcas (Ancona).

1225: Março: visita Clara em São Damião. Suas vistas pioram muito, então. Ele pretende ficar ali numa cela, ou na casa do capelão, mas, cedendo aos pedidos do vigário da Ordem, Frei Elias, consente em receber tratamento médico: a estação é muito fria, e o tratamento é transferido.
Abril ou maio: ainda em São Damião, Francisco recebe tratamento, mas não melhora. Recebe a promessa da vida eterna. Depois de uma noite dolorosa, atormentado pela dor e por ratos, compõe o Cântico do Irmão Sol. Junto a Santa Clara.
Junho: acrescenta uma estrofe ao Cântico do Irmão Sol, comemorando a reconciliação entre o bispo e o podestá de Assis.
Inícios de julho: acolhido em Rieti pelo Cardeal Hugolino e pela corte papal para submeter-se ao tratamento dos médicos da corte pontifícia. Vai a Fonte Colombo para tratamento, sob insistência do Cardeal Hugolino, mas o difere, devido à ausência do Frei Elias.
Julho ou agosto: em Fonte Colombo, o médico cauteriza as têmporas de Francisco, mas com pouco resultado.
Setembro: Francisco vai a S. Fabiano, perto de Rieti (Floresta), para ser tratado por outro médico, que opera sua vista. Restaura então a vinha do pobre p[adre, danificada por visitantes de Francisco.

1226: Francisco vive ora em Rieti, ora em Fonte Colombo.
Abril: vai a Sena para outro tratamento.
Maio ou junho: volta à Porciúncula, via Cortona.
Julho-agosto: no calor do verão é levado para Bagnara, nas colinas perto de Nocera.
Fim de agosto ou início de setembro: piorando de saúde, é levado, via Nottiano, para o palácio do bispo de Assis. D. Guido acha-se ausente, em peregrinação ao Santuário de São Miguel, cuja festa se celebra no dia 29, no monte Gargano.
Sentindo iminente a morte, pede para ser levado para a Porciúncula. Chegado à planície, lança sua bênção sobre Assis. Nos últimos dias de vida, dita o Testamento, autotestemunho de incalculável valor para a vida e os propósitos de homem tão singular.
Com a proximidade da morte, pede que o deitem nu no chão. Depois aceita emprestado o hábito que o guardião lhe dá. Faz ler o Evangelho da Última Ceia e abençoa os filhos seus, presentes e futuros.

1226: 3 de outubro, à tarde: Francisco cantando "mortem suscepit" (morreu cantando). No domingo seguinte, 4 de outubro, é sepultado na igreja de São Jorge, na cidade de Assis, mas o cortejo fúnebre passa antes pelo mosteiro de São Damião, para a despedida de Clara.

1228: 16 de julho: Francisco é canonizado. Relíquias trasladadas para a nova basílica, em construção, em 25 de maio de 1230.

quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008

St Francis Day on 03 and 04th Octuber

A VIda Franciscana..


Queridos amigos....

E uma alegria vos escrever e comparti com voces meus sonhos e ideais nesta vida, e neste rumo que decidir seguir. HOje e dia de San Francisco. E seu aniversario. Para os franciscanos de modo geral e um marco na historia. Um homem que revolucionou o tempo.Tempo este marcado pelo confrito entre Assis e Perugia e ao mesmo tempo em uma realidade de conflitos e guerras. E nesta Epoca, que Francisco se descobre. Busca a profundeza do encontro. E neste encontro ,esta relacionado em seu contato com a natureza , na procura de Deus..e neste momento ,que ele entra em profundo transito e questionamentos ao se deparar com a dura e castigante do sofrimento e miseria em Assis, ora cercada por riquezas pobreza..e nesta pobreza ...a lepra e vista como doenca terminal em Assis.Certamente o texto logo abaixo esta escrito em ingles. Os amados poderao seguir diretamente ao texto e datas precisas da Vida de Sao FRancisco.
Mas narrarei aqui um episodio de minha experiencia na vida Religiosa em San Francisco no Estado da California experimentada nestes dias 03 e 04 de Outubro. NO dia 03 de Outubro na tradicao franciscana os irmaos vivem um momento de transito...quer dizer saidas de lugar em lugar em missoes,mais isto que dizer tambem ,virgilia e meditacao sobre os melhores momentos da vida e passagem de Sao Francisco.Aqui muitos irmaos saem de um lugar a outra pra lembrar a morte de S.Francisco.Enfim nesta Sexta Feira do dia 03 a tarde fomos d encontros as irmas franciscanas. Fomos em caminha. Br.JOnathan, Br Simon e eu fomos a pe..caminhamos aproximadamente 30 minutos pra chegar a Community Saint Francis ou Comunidade de Sao Francisco....
Ao Chegarmos la, fomos muito bem recebidos pelas irmas. Sentamos na sala de estar . Esperamos a hora de chegada de nosso Provincial Br Jude,Richard, Robert. As 6:00 da Tarde comecamos a Oracao e veneracao do Santo.Experimentei um momento subrime de graca e de louvor.A adoracao comecou com canticos em honra a Francisco, leitura de sua Vida e Obra..Leitura da Escritura Sagrada e oracoes..Ao terminar a oracao antes da bencao..Os irmaos ajoelham-se em sinal de adoracao...abre seus bracos como San Francisco fez ao receber as Estigmas do Filho de Deus..De bracos abertos e ajoelhados e cantado a Oracao de Sao Francisco.Ao Termino o Guardiao ou Provinciais( Br JUde and Sister Jim) deu a bencao e finalizada a adoracao e oracao.Momentos muitos subrimes de adoracao e meditacao.
Ao terminar a Oracao os irmaos se preparam pra a janta.Naquele dia tivemos uma deliciosa refeicao preparada pela Irm. Pamela.A casa estava cheiga e cheia de alegria .
Em San Damiano Friary
As atividades em San Damiano FRiary comecou cedo com a limpeza da casa, para que a noite tudo estivesse preparados. Casa limpa, comida pronta e organizacao total da casa.As 6:00 da tarde iniciamos o Angelus e logo em seguida coemcamos a missa pra celebrar o dia de S.Francisco.A missa foi celebrada solenemente no rito anglo-catolico ao son de hinos e incenso.o Gloria cantado, O evangelho proclamado em canticos e mitas oracoes que se seguiram.estavam presentes a Communit Saint Francis Comunidade de sao Francisco, o Convento das irmas com a presenca de Sr.( Sister)Jeam,Sr.Pamela, Sr Cecilia,e as outras irmas.
Estavam presentes visitantes como e de praxis aos sabados ,quando a casa se abre pra quem vem de fora.Na ocasiao foi recebido na Comunidade como aspirante o Sr.Luis,um jovem frequente ao friary que deseja ingressar na vida religiosa.Agora se dar seu processo de formacao.
Ao termino da Sta .MIssa fomos ao jantar que foi preparado pelo provincial.Foi maravilhoso todos juntos e festejando o Dia de San Francisco.Magnifico dia.Segue cesao de fotos deste dia maravilhoso.
Amigos rezem por nos e por nossa vocacao.Se deseja fazer parte veja o nosso site
Aqui voce encontra mais informacoes sobre nossa vida e nossa Ordem sejam todos bem vindos.

Br.Ivanildo ssf

"The Divine Praises"
Francis of Assisi
You are holy, Lord, the only God,
and Your deeds are wonderful.
You are strong.
You are great.
You are the Most High.
You are Almighty.
You, Holy Father are King of heaven and earth.
You are Three and One, Lord God, all Good.
You are Good, all Good, supreme Good,
Lord God, living and true.
You are love. You are wisdom.
You are humility. You are endurance.
You are rest. You are peace.
You are joy and gladness.
You are justice and moderation.
You are all our riches, and You suffice for us.
You are beauty.
You are gentleness.
You are our protector.
You are our guardian and defender.
You are our courage. You are our haven and our hope.
You are our faith, our great consolation.
You are our eternal life, Great and Wonderful Lord,
God Almighty, Merciful Saviour.

VIda de S.Francisco e Dia de sao Francisco no FRiary

LORD, make us instruments of Your peace.
    Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is discord, union;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is despair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that we may not seek to much
    to be consoled as to console;
    to be understood as to understand;
    to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
    it is in pardonning that we are pardoned;
    and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


    -- Attributed to John Bernardone ("Francis of Assisi"), 13th Century

Francis of Assisi

Most people know Francis as a middle-ages ascetic who loved animals. The complete story is even more interesting.

He was born John Bernardone, the son of successful merchant Peter Bernardone. Peter made his living travelling to and from France, and importing their fine fabrics. The early sources say that Peter nicknamed his son "Francis" ("Frenchy"). Or perhaps John acquired the name because as a teen and adult, he liked to play the French instrument -- an early form of the guitar, and the subject of some ecclesiastical disapproval. ("These kids nowadays and their music!")

We read that in his youth, Francis used to organize parties for the upper-class kids. Whether he had any romantic involvements will never be known. An early liturgy honoring him as a saint stated that he "surpassed all the other young people in debauchery". A few years later, it was changed to say that "he was himself restrained by God's grace."

Two neighboring towns had a war and Francis was a P.O.W. for a year. This was the beginning of a new interest in religion. There are stories of mystical experiences, vigils, and finally a vision of a talking crucifix in an abandoned chapel: "Francis, rebuild my church." The young Francis took this literally, and started doing repairs on dilapidated, out-of-use chapels and raising money for materials by doing odd jobs and asking for donations.

Exactly what happened between Francis and his father will never be known, but Francis admitted stealing some cloth and selling it for building funds. During the hearing, Francis told his father he could have back everything he'd ever given him. He stripped naked, and said that he was a religious ascetic. The bishop, who was holding the hearing, gave him something to wear, and Francis went to live on his own. His father never accepted reconciliation, although his mother never broke with him.

Francis was mugged for the first time within a few hours. He worked for a while as kitchen help for the Benedictines, but ended up hiring himself as a day-laborer. On Saint Matthias's day, Francis heard the gospel lession, about being mendicant preachers of the Good News of Christ. He felt called to this, and began preaching as the way he was really supposed to "rebuild the church". Although he preached, he continued to support himself by working, and did not pass a collection during his sessions. He never became a priest, though eventually he was made deacon.

Francis acquired a number of like-minded friends, and they obtained recognition from the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) as an order, outside the jurisdiction of the local authorities. Francis probably welcomed this, as a help to keep his movement out of local politics. Rome was glad to have these people who were dedicated to living the Gospel and to Bible preaching, as its special associates.

We might think that the savvy leaders of Rome, foreseeing the Protestant Reformation, intentionally promoted a crypto-Protestant like Francis who professed loyalty to the established church institutions. Francis talked a great deal about his reverence for ordained people, his fidelity to the medieval church, and so forth. His actions show that this was selective. He established the order of the Poor Clares himself, and dedicated its first members -- a function which by law was the bishop's prerogative. He read and quoted the Bible and preached boldly and powerfully from it. He emphasized personal repentance, the personal relationship with Jesus as Lord, and gratitude for the blessings of life and the sacrifice of Christ by which our salvation is obtained.

Everybody knows the stories about birds seeming to listen as Francis told them about their Creator, and how they should be grateful and happy. There are all manner of anecdotes about this curious, engaging hermit-preacher. At one point, the young Francis bought a lamb which was being taken to slaughter, and raised it as a pet. It grew up. People think the same things in all eras, and one early biographer mentions his being questioned about this by the bishop. Also mentioned is an incident in which Francis overcame sensual temptation by stripping naked and making eight snowmen. The first represented himself, able to do what he liked best -- preach, pray, and live simply. The second represented the wife he would need if he could not be contented, and he reminded himself of how much more complicated his life would become. After four children, a school teacher, and a baby sitter, and the host of responsibilities, he was able to find inner peace.

Within a decade, Francis had so many imitators that they organized at the "Chapter of Mats". Francis proved incapable of adminstering a movement, and there were soon divisions over how strict the asceticism of the movement should be. Seeking a new direction, Francis stowed away on a ship, and traveled to North Africa to try to stop the crusades. He crossed to Moslem territory got himself arrested on the presumption of being a spy. Of course the Moslems knew who he was, and found him fascinating. The Sultan in particular professed amazement at meeting a Christian who was also a person of peace and goodwill. Francis offered to be set on fire as a no-lose test -- if he lived, it would be proof of the merits of the Christian religion but if he died, it would be because of his sins. Instead, the Sultan let him tour the historical sites in the Holy Land, which were off-limits to Christians. To this day, many of these sites are maintained by Franciscans. The only gift Francis accepted from his Moslem friends was a prayer horn, which he sounded at the beginning of his sermons for the rest of his career. He gave specific orders that while Moslem areas were targets for evangelization, no Franciscan had any reason ever to speak ill of Mohammed or the Koran.

Stigmatization Returning home, Francis remained in public life. He negotiated one important peace settlement, and completed his "Song of Brother Sun", which he urged his emulators to play on the still-controversial guitar. On retreat, he had a vision of a crucified seraph (a theological impossibility, as he well knew), which flashed bolts of light which left him with wounds mirroring Christ's. He tried to hide these from his associates, but they reported seeing and feeling blackened, painful areas on each hand and foot and on one side of the chest. He was the first known Christian, except perhaps Paul, to bear the supposed "stigmata".

Francis died a few years after returning from the Near East. His symptoms suggest schstosomiasis, which as a visitor to Egypt he would have been a serious risk. He also suffered from an eye problem, probably trachoma, which was also endemic in Egypt. His request to be buried beneath the town gallows was honored, but the gallows was torn down and a basilica erected. Infighting in the order has blackwashed the name of Brother Elias, who did the building. The body was so well-hidden from relic-seekers that it was not found until the 1800's. Although he was not a vegetarian, forensic osteologists determined that Francis suffered from osteomalacia, from his ascetic diet.

Zurburan painting Why remember Francis? He was a powerful, authentic Bible preacher in an era when this was rare. His message of love and gratitude goes beyond all Christian sectarianism, so that his "Song of Brother Sun" was chosen at one major interfaith gathering as the single song that everyone present -- Christian and non-Christian -- could sing together.

And Francis is special in another way, not really separate. Francis's era saw feudalism replaced by capitalism, the profit motive, and a wealthier and healthier society. Not everybody can or should be a holy hermit. Francis gave a resounding "No!" to the preoccupation with getting rich, but without advancing any political agenda or urging people to license or irresponsibility. Lenin, dying, is said to have spoken of Francis, and saying that his was the right way after all. In our day, when we see Francis's picture in a birdbath, let's remember both the goodness of nature and creation, and how much better life is when we let go of our focus on wealth and status, and seek first the Kingdom of God.

"The Divine Praises"
Francis of Assisi
You are holy, Lord, the only God,
and Your deeds are wonderful.
You are strong.
You are great.
You are the Most High.
You are Almighty.
You, Holy Father are King of heaven and earth.
You are Three and One, Lord God, all Good.
You are Good, all Good, supreme Good,
Lord God, living and true.
You are love. You are wisdom.
You are humility. You are endurance.
You are rest. You are peace.
You are joy and gladness.
You are justice and moderation.
You are all our riches, and You suffice for us.
You are beauty.
You are gentleness.
You are our protector.
You are our guardian and defender.
You are our courage. You are our haven and our hope.
You are our faith, our great consolation.
You are our eternal life, Great and Wonderful Lord,
God Almighty, Merciful Saviour.

Senhor fazei-me instrumentode vossa Paz

LORD, make us instruments of Your peace.
    Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is discord, union;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is despair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that we may not seek to much
    to be consoled as to console;
    to be understood as to understand;
    to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
    it is in pardonning that we are pardoned;
    and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


    -- Attributed to John Bernardone ("Francis of Assisi"), 13th Century

Francis of Assisi

Most people know Francis as a middle-ages ascetic who loved animals. The complete story is even more interesting.

He was born John Bernardone, the son of successful merchant Peter Bernardone. Peter made his living travelling to and from France, and importing their fine fabrics. The early sources say that Peter nicknamed his son "Francis" ("Frenchy"). Or perhaps John acquired the name because as a teen and adult, he liked to play the French instrument -- an early form of the guitar, and the subject of some ecclesiastical disapproval. ("These kids nowadays and their music!")

We read that in his youth, Francis used to organize parties for the upper-class kids. Whether he had any romantic involvements will never be known. An early liturgy honoring him as a saint stated that he "surpassed all the other young people in debauchery". A few years later, it was changed to say that "he was himself restrained by God's grace."

Two neighboring towns had a war and Francis was a P.O.W. for a year. This was the beginning of a new interest in religion. There are stories of mystical experiences, vigils, and finally a vision of a talking crucifix in an abandoned chapel: "Francis, rebuild my church." The young Francis took this literally, and started doing repairs on dilapidated, out-of-use chapels and raising money for materials by doing odd jobs and asking for donations.

Exactly what happened between Francis and his father will never be known, but Francis admitted stealing some cloth and selling it for building funds. During the hearing, Francis told his father he could have back everything he'd ever given him. He stripped naked, and said that he was a religious ascetic. The bishop, who was holding the hearing, gave him something to wear, and Francis went to live on his own. His father never accepted reconciliation, although his mother never broke with him.

Francis was mugged for the first time within a few hours. He worked for a while as kitchen help for the Benedictines, but ended up hiring himself as a day-laborer. On Saint Matthias's day, Francis heard the gospel lession, about being mendicant preachers of the Good News of Christ. He felt called to this, and began preaching as the way he was really supposed to "rebuild the church". Although he preached, he continued to support himself by working, and did not pass a collection during his sessions. He never became a priest, though eventually he was made deacon.

Francis acquired a number of like-minded friends, and they obtained recognition from the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) as an order, outside the jurisdiction of the local authorities. Francis probably welcomed this, as a help to keep his movement out of local politics. Rome was glad to have these people who were dedicated to living the Gospel and to Bible preaching, as its special associates.

We might think that the savvy leaders of Rome, foreseeing the Protestant Reformation, intentionally promoted a crypto-Protestant like Francis who professed loyalty to the established church institutions. Francis talked a great deal about his reverence for ordained people, his fidelity to the medieval church, and so forth. His actions show that this was selective. He established the order of the Poor Clares himself, and dedicated its first members -- a function which by law was the bishop's prerogative. He read and quoted the Bible and preached boldly and powerfully from it. He emphasized personal repentance, the personal relationship with Jesus as Lord, and gratitude for the blessings of life and the sacrifice of Christ by which our salvation is obtained.

Everybody knows the stories about birds seeming to listen as Francis told them about their Creator, and how they should be grateful and happy. There are all manner of anecdotes about this curious, engaging hermit-preacher. At one point, the young Francis bought a lamb which was being taken to slaughter, and raised it as a pet. It grew up. People think the same things in all eras, and one early biographer mentions his being questioned about this by the bishop. Also mentioned is an incident in which Francis overcame sensual temptation by stripping naked and making eight snowmen. The first represented himself, able to do what he liked best -- preach, pray, and live simply. The second represented the wife he would need if he could not be contented, and he reminded himself of how much more complicated his life would become. After four children, a school teacher, and a baby sitter, and the host of responsibilities, he was able to find inner peace.

Within a decade, Francis had so many imitators that they organized at the "Chapter of Mats". Francis proved incapable of adminstering a movement, and there were soon divisions over how strict the asceticism of the movement should be. Seeking a new direction, Francis stowed away on a ship, and traveled to North Africa to try to stop the crusades. He crossed to Moslem territory got himself arrested on the presumption of being a spy. Of course the Moslems knew who he was, and found him fascinating. The Sultan in particular professed amazement at meeting a Christian who was also a person of peace and goodwill. Francis offered to be set on fire as a no-lose test -- if he lived, it would be proof of the merits of the Christian religion but if he died, it would be because of his sins. Instead, the Sultan let him tour the historical sites in the Holy Land, which were off-limits to Christians. To this day, many of these sites are maintained by Franciscans. The only gift Francis accepted from his Moslem friends was a prayer horn, which he sounded at the beginning of his sermons for the rest of his career. He gave specific orders that while Moslem areas were targets for evangelization, no Franciscan had any reason ever to speak ill of Mohammed or the Koran.

Stigmatization Returning home, Francis remained in public life. He negotiated one important peace settlement, and completed his "Song of Brother Sun", which he urged his emulators to play on the still-controversial guitar. On retreat, he had a vision of a crucified seraph (a theological impossibility, as he well knew), which flashed bolts of light which left him with wounds mirroring Christ's. He tried to hide these from his associates, but they reported seeing and feeling blackened, painful areas on each hand and foot and on one side of the chest. He was the first known Christian, except perhaps Paul, to bear the supposed "stigmata".

Francis died a few years after returning from the Near East. His symptoms suggest schstosomiasis, which as a visitor to Egypt he would have been a serious risk. He also suffered from an eye problem, probably trachoma, which was also endemic in Egypt. His request to be buried beneath the town gallows was honored, but the gallows was torn down and a basilica erected. Infighting in the order has blackwashed the name of Brother Elias, who did the building. The body was so well-hidden from relic-seekers that it was not found until the 1800's. Although he was not a vegetarian, forensic osteologists determined that Francis suffered from osteomalacia, from his ascetic diet.

Zurburan painting Why remember Francis? He was a powerful, authentic Bible preacher in an era when this was rare. His message of love and gratitude goes beyond all Christian sectarianism, so that his "Song of Brother Sun" was chosen at one major interfaith gathering as the single song that everyone present -- Christian and non-Christian -- could sing together.

And Francis is special in another way, not really separate. Francis's era saw feudalism replaced by capitalism, the profit motive, and a wealthier and healthier society. Not everybody can or should be a holy hermit. Francis gave a resounding "No!" to the preoccupation with getting rich, but without advancing any political agenda or urging people to license or irresponsibility. Lenin, dying, is said to have spoken of Francis, and saying that his was the right way after all. In our day, when we see Francis's picture in a birdbath, let's remember both the goodness of nature and creation, and how much better life is when we let go of our focus on wealth and status, and seek first the Kingdom of God.

"The Divine Praises"
Francis of Assisi
You are holy, Lord, the only God,
and Your deeds are wonderful.
You are strong.
You are great.
You are the Most High.
You are Almighty.
You, Holy Father are King of heaven and earth.
You are Three and One, Lord God, all Good.
You are Good, all Good, supreme Good,
Lord God, living and true.
You are love. You are wisdom.
You are humility. You are endurance.
You are rest. You are peace.
You are joy and gladness.
You are justice and moderation.
You are all our riches, and You suffice for us.
You are beauty.
You are gentleness.
You are our protector.
You are our guardian and defender.
You are our courage. You are our haven and our hope.
You are our faith, our great consolation.
You are our eternal life, Great and Wonderful Lord,
God Almighty, Merciful Saviour.