quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2009

Oraccion para hoy..prayer for today

Awake, awake to love and work!
New Window
Karaoke (Quicktime)
(one verse introduction)
Awake, awake to love and work!The lark is in the skythe fields are wet with diamond dewThe worlds awake to crytheir praises to the Fount of LifeChrist Jesus passes by.
Come, let your voice be one with theirsshout with the shout of praiseSee how the giant sun soars upGod's gift for all your days!So let the love of Jesus comeand set your soul ablaze.
To give and give, and give again,as God's own grace is freeTo spend yourself nor count the costTo serve most gloriouslythe God who gave all worlds that areand all that are to be.

Music: Morning Song Kentucky Harmony (19thC)Words: Geoffrey Studdert-Kennedy (20thC)

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