fhoto 1- Mother Ana and BIshop Stevens in blessing of the water for the Baptism
and in second fhoto the Parish of St John the Evangelist a service on Sunday.
Hello Piece and well
NewsWelcoming El Buen SamaritanoSt. John's is very pleased that our brothers and sisters of La Iglesia Episcopal del Buen Samaritano, the Spanish-langauge Episcopal congregation of San Francisco's Mission District, will be joining us on Julian Avenue, beginning the first Sunday of Advent, November 30. We will be equal partners in leading Episcopal worship and serving our Mission neighborhood. Led by Vicar Rev. Gloria del Castillo, Buen Samaritano has been a Mission-neighborhood community for many years, but without a permanent worship space. We are very happy to make a home together now, at the address of the third-oldest parish in the Episcopal Dioecese of California.
We celebrated Advent and Christmas 2008 together, with joint, bilingual services. Beginning in January, St. John's moved our Sunday English-language service to 10:15 am, and El Buen Samaritano began holding their Spanish-language service at 12:30 pm. We join together with Buen Samaritano for a joint Godly Play children's program at 11:30 am .Buen Samaritano members come from around the Spanish-speaking world, including El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and the United States. Both Buen Samaritano and St. John's welcome you to join us in this new ministerial partnership. Las Iglesias Catolicas Episcopales de San Juan Evangelista y El Buen Samaritano les dan la Bienvenida.
We celebrated Advent and Christmas 2008 together, with joint, bilingual services. Beginning in January, St. John's moved our Sunday English-language service to 10:15 am, and El Buen Samaritano began holding their Spanish-language service at 12:30 pm. We join together with Buen Samaritano for a joint Godly Play children's program at 11:30 am .Buen Samaritano members come from around the Spanish-speaking world, including El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and the United States. Both Buen Samaritano and St. John's welcome you to join us in this new ministerial partnership. Las Iglesias Catolicas Episcopales de San Juan Evangelista y El Buen Samaritano les dan la Bienvenida.
I confess as brother from the Societ Saint Francis that I am feel very well in that parish and now trying to help with latino peoples and sometimes too with Madre Ana of El Bueno Pastor in Redwood City. It is about almost 4 months that I coming there and participate the borth services english and spanish. I try be a member eficient for this one Parish, until now I am going there be together and discover my gifts and what God wanna me to do this Communit. But I think that my presence is good and I can do someting, I can share my life with them and make a good relationship with the Parish and his rector of the St JOhn the Evangelist and in this side with Spanish with Gloria Castillho in special this community that I am present almost all the time and when they need me becourse they know that can account on me in this service and ministeries around.
I hope too as soon as possible take my permission of the Bishop Mark and is coming I can make more than today, becourse I feel need say mass and learning more about the liturgies and spirituality with them..the mass has a nice and important means for me..I hope so the BIshop can need my ministeries too in this size...and in this mission. Hope God hel me and them for all us be the best we can do.
I had been almost all wednesday for meeting with Rev.Castilho and prepare the mission and help her with Fernando, Fr Richard and a Organist that give for this community for put woship and grace to God in the mass on sunday 12:30pm. Until now they services is happing with nice songs and good interesting in prayer and Eucarist service very well for all the community..The people is coming there and enjoy. By my side I am happy becourse I have oportunity to preach in spanish, somthing like "portunol, becourse my spanish is not very clear. My mother's language is portuguese,,but we can understand each other in the community.
Well after the meeting on Werdnesday we go to the Center Laitin next to the Parish. There we can take lunch together with the people and lot of them coming from Mexico, Guatemala, El Savador, NIcaragua, Centro America and someones coming to the Cuba. It is very interestong learning about the culture, situations politica and faifh of each one them we grew up day by day when we receive hope and give hope for the people, when we offer love and friendship and help sometimes..theses peoples are looking for conpassion, loves, comprenhension and respect , and justice..I thing they enjoy when some religiousmember is coming there for visit and take a good conversatin, sometimes is need preecher for them or invite him to the church, but only presence and love can make the difference.It is evangelization too..I think it is the some in the church when it offer conpassion, hospitality and love and when her live the authentic call of Jesus to the life.
I had been in El Bueno Pastor and meeting with Mother Ana for his commuity, and one day special becourse in the church was receive for baptism some people and the same for the confirmation in the church. In that one day the people was very happy with very good song, a good team of youang people serve the altar together with Mother Ana and the Bishop Stevens and I have opportunit to serve with them to the altar in that one celebrations so happy and gracious to God.The community is grew up day by day too. The ministeries there is wonderful too.. I am trying coming there sometime for serve but we go there for frequently serve the altar, preparing the poeple for confirmations, cathecism and class of spiritualy..help in all thing that one community need.Well I am here and dedicate my skill in this ministeries and Saint John The Evangelist. I offer all my gif for serve in the name of GOd.
El Bueno Pastor in Redwood City has been working a lot and they have a service for informations anbout citizen, immigrations and jsutice marvelous king of Ministeries that Revda Ana is doing. GOd Protect her and all his teem. I am here for serve.
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