Ola amigos,
Paz e bem
Permita-me que eu me apresente. Sou irmao Ivanildo. Pertenco a Ordem religiosa.Por ordem religiosa entende-se por uma organizacao religiosa,com fins religiosos no servico e na doacao a vida aos irmaos e a Igreja. A ordem religiosa e formado por seus membros consagrados atraves dos votos solenes diante da Congregacao e da Igreja que prometem servir a Deus e aos Irmaos fazendo e cumprindo os seus votos religiosos: Pobreza, Castidader e Obediencia. Com estes votos religiosos os irmaos ou irmas vivem um estilo de vida nao secular, mas em comunidade.A Igreja Episcopal assim bem como as Igrejas de tradicao catolica ou ate mesmo evangelicas ,adotam este estilo de vida vendo-os nele uma maneira de ser e de pertenca a Igreja e a Comunidade. Nenhuma comunidade religiosa vive isolada da Igreja. Igreja e comunidade religiosa ,quando entendidas nesta dimensao, fazem a diferenca na estrutura da Igreja como pertenca ao anseios e designios de Deus.
Eu irmao Ivanildo, pertenco a Sociedade de San Francisco Provincia das Americas. Sou brasileiro e professei a minha vida religiosa em Abril no dia 16 de maio de 2006, quando nosso Provincial Br.Jude, Br Tom ,Br.Antonio Sato recebeu os meus votos e de meu irmao Frei Cesar no Brasil.Desde entao fazemos parte da Sociedade de san Francisco como familia de irmaos professos na grande familia da Igreja e aqui estou para servir.Cheguei aos Esados UNidos no dia 01 de agosto de 2008 para dar prosseguimento a formacao religiosa que todos irmaos devem seguir e cumprir. A pedido da Provincia e do meu Provincial aqui estou. Aqui estou para servir a Igreja e minha comunidade em suas nescessidades.Atualmente desenvolvo ministerios em varios lugares durante a semana desde a Fundacao de Santo Antonio, Advent Christ, Center Latino, St.Martim de Poors e outros setores. Desde que aqui cheguei estou realizando estes trabalhos como parte de minha formacao e de meu servicos na doacao de minha vida e do servico a Igreja. Tenho participado de todas as Igrejas paroquias ate 3 meses atras, quajdo me identifiquei a Paroquia de Sao Joao o Batista, por ter ela tambem um ministerio HIspanico edesde entao estou frequentando a Igreja regularmente ao Domingos aos dois servicos:Ingles e espanhol.Participar dos servicos desta Igreja me deixa mais alinhado a sua dimensao e sua maneira de ser Igreja e de viver minha concepcao como frade Franciscano.Ambos os servicos sao de ajuda para mim quer seja no desenvolver de minhas funcoes bem como de meus ministerios.Estou aqui para servir esta paroquia no que for nescessario.
Aqui vou relatar um episodio que me chamou atencao, justamente uma semana antes da Quaresta, que e a 4.0 feira de Cinzas momento de reflexao e de penitencia. Fomos no dia 25 de fevereiro as 7:15 a 16th /MISSION BART PLAZ para oferecer as pessoas este momento util e propicio para a reflexao e benevolencia da Graca de Deus.Realmente confesso que foi um moemnto muito importnate para mim e creio que para as pessoas que passavam por nos e mesmo muitos sem entenderem bem iam ate o padre da Paroquia e Reverenda Gloria e nos membros da Paroquia para receber a bencao e a imposicao das Cinzas. Eu fiquei encantado com esta maneira de ser da Igreja Episcopal aqui, tendo em vista que no Brasil a linha e mais evangelica do que aqui. Entretanto, admirei profundamente o trabalho e que os padres exerceram muito bem nesta quarta feira de cinzas.Para mim foi mas uam experiencia de vida e de visao daquilo que a Igreja Episcopal esta fazendo aqui em seu ministerio de vida e de suma Apostolica que e ir de encontro com a o anuncio de CRisto NOsso Salvador. Parabens aoParoco e creio que de modo geral a esta equipe que sem emdo e sem vergonha acreditavam no que estavam fazendo.
Um experiencia de vida, uma experiencia da missao e busca do povo, trazer de volta aqueles que por um momento estao longe ou distante e que nescessitam retonrar. As cinzas representam sem sombra de duvida um convite ao retorno. Realemnte fantastico, realmente sublime, naturalmente bom demais esta missao.
Gracas a Deus por me dar a chanse e a liberdade de escolha
Br Ivanildo
Hello friends,
Pax et Bonum
Allow me to present I am Br. Ivanildo.I Belongs to the O religious Order. Religious Order is defined by a religious organization, with service religious purposes and donation to the brothers and the church life. A religious order is formed by their members through dedicated solemn votes in front of the congregation and the Church that promise to serve God and to the brothers doing and fulfilling their religious vows: poverty, chastity and obedience. With these votes, the religious brothers or sisters living a lifestyle not secular, but in communit life.A Episcopal Church as well as the churches of Catholic tradition or even evangelical, adopt this style of life seeing them there a way to be and belongs to the Church and Community. No religious community living in isolated church, And religious community, when understood in this dimension, make the difference in the structure of the Church as belonging to the wishes and desires of God. I belongs to Society of San Francisco Province of the Americas. I professed my life religious and religious vows in April on July 17, 2006, where our Provincial Br.Jude, Br Tom, Br.Antonio Sato received my vows and of the my brother Cesar in Brasil. Since then do the Society of San Francisco as a family of brothers professed the great family of the Church and I'm here for the serve .I arrived here in the Unite State on 01 August 2008 to continue training religious brothers that all must follow and comply. At the request of State and Provincial here I am. I am here to serve the church and my community in theirs needs. Actually develops my ministries in several places during the week, since the St, Anthony Foundations, Advent Christ, Latino Center, St.Martim of Poor’s and other sectors. Since I arrived here I am doing this work as part of my training and my service in the gift of my life and service of the Church. I have participated in all church parishes until 3 months ago, I identified of the the Parish of St. John the Baptist, for it also a Hispanic ministry and since then I'm attending the church regularly for the two Sunday services: English and Spanish .I am attend of the borth services of this church ,makes me more aligned to their size and their way of being Church and living my design and basking Franciscan.BOrth services are of help to me either in the development of my functions as well as my ministries.Estou here to serve this parish where necessary. Here I report an episode that I drew attention, just one week before Quaresm that Ash Wednesday and 4.0 times of reflection and penance. We were on 25 February the 16th to 7:15 / Mission BART Plaza for the people that offer useful and propitious moment for reflection and benevolence of the grace of God .Really I confess it was a moment very important for me and I think for people who passed by us and that many would not feel well until the priest of the parish and Reverend Gloria and members of the parish to receive the blessing and imposition of ashes. I was delighted with the way the Episcopal Church to be here, considering that in Brazil the line and more evangelical than here. However, ADIM deeply and the work that parents put very well in this Wednesday for me was Ashes .For many it was a experience of life and vision of what the Episcopal Church is doing here in your life and ministry of the Apostolic service and go to Meeting with the announcement of Christ our Savior. Congratulations to the Parish and I think in general this team, without shame and without scared or afraid believed in doing. An experience of life, an experience of mission and search for people, bring back those who are away for a moment or distant and necessary to return. The ashes represent without a doubt an invitation to return. Really fantastic, really sublime, of course too good this mission. Thank God for giving me the opportunity and the freedom of choice
Biblical means about it..
Ash Wednesday is a day of repentanse and it marks the beginning of Lent. Ashes were used in ancient times, according to the Bible, to express mourning. Dusting oneself with ashes was the penitent's way of expressing sorrow for sins and faults. An ancient example of one expressing one's penitence is found in Job 42:3-6. Job says to God: "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes." (vv. 5-6, KJV) Other examples are found in several other books of the Bible including, Numbers 19:9, 19:17, Jonah 3:6, Matthew 11:21, and Luke 10:13, and Hebrews 9:13. Ezekiel 9 also speaks of a linen-clad messenger marking the forehead of the city inhabitants that have sorrow over the sins of the people. All those without the mark are destroyed.
However, some Adventists who do not celebrate Ash Wednesday say that the practice is not consistent with Scripture and is of pagan origin.[13] They usually cite Matthew 6:16–18, where Jesus gave prescriptions for fasting: "And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." (NRSV) These groups argue that Jesus warned against fasting to gain favor from other people and that he also warned his followers that they should fast in private, not letting others know they were fasting. For these reasons, some Christian denominations do not endorse the practice. Others, however, point out that this very passage from Matthew is the one, not coincidentally, that is appointed by the Revised Common Lectionary to be read on Ash Wednesday. They might also clarify that the ashen Cross on the forehead does not represent the fast, but the mortal (fallen) condition of human existence. And they would refer to Jesus' words whereby he expected people to repent using sackcloth and ashes: "Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes." (Luke 10:13; see also Matthew 11:21)
Br ivanildo
Society Saint Francis
San Damiano Friary
573 Dolores Street
CA 94110- fhone: 415-8611372 ex. 23
Paz e bem
Permita-me que eu me apresente. Sou irmao Ivanildo. Pertenco a Ordem religiosa.Por ordem religiosa entende-se por uma organizacao religiosa,com fins religiosos no servico e na doacao a vida aos irmaos e a Igreja. A ordem religiosa e formado por seus membros consagrados atraves dos votos solenes diante da Congregacao e da Igreja que prometem servir a Deus e aos Irmaos fazendo e cumprindo os seus votos religiosos: Pobreza, Castidader e Obediencia. Com estes votos religiosos os irmaos ou irmas vivem um estilo de vida nao secular, mas em comunidade.A Igreja Episcopal assim bem como as Igrejas de tradicao catolica ou ate mesmo evangelicas ,adotam este estilo de vida vendo-os nele uma maneira de ser e de pertenca a Igreja e a Comunidade. Nenhuma comunidade religiosa vive isolada da Igreja. Igreja e comunidade religiosa ,quando entendidas nesta dimensao, fazem a diferenca na estrutura da Igreja como pertenca ao anseios e designios de Deus.
Eu irmao Ivanildo, pertenco a Sociedade de San Francisco Provincia das Americas. Sou brasileiro e professei a minha vida religiosa em Abril no dia 16 de maio de 2006, quando nosso Provincial Br.Jude, Br Tom ,Br.Antonio Sato recebeu os meus votos e de meu irmao Frei Cesar no Brasil.Desde entao fazemos parte da Sociedade de san Francisco como familia de irmaos professos na grande familia da Igreja e aqui estou para servir.Cheguei aos Esados UNidos no dia 01 de agosto de 2008 para dar prosseguimento a formacao religiosa que todos irmaos devem seguir e cumprir. A pedido da Provincia e do meu Provincial aqui estou. Aqui estou para servir a Igreja e minha comunidade em suas nescessidades.Atualmente desenvolvo ministerios em varios lugares durante a semana desde a Fundacao de Santo Antonio, Advent Christ, Center Latino, St.Martim de Poors e outros setores. Desde que aqui cheguei estou realizando estes trabalhos como parte de minha formacao e de meu servicos na doacao de minha vida e do servico a Igreja. Tenho participado de todas as Igrejas paroquias ate 3 meses atras, quajdo me identifiquei a Paroquia de Sao Joao o Batista, por ter ela tambem um ministerio HIspanico edesde entao estou frequentando a Igreja regularmente ao Domingos aos dois servicos:Ingles e espanhol.Participar dos servicos desta Igreja me deixa mais alinhado a sua dimensao e sua maneira de ser Igreja e de viver minha concepcao como frade Franciscano.Ambos os servicos sao de ajuda para mim quer seja no desenvolver de minhas funcoes bem como de meus ministerios.Estou aqui para servir esta paroquia no que for nescessario.
Aqui vou relatar um episodio que me chamou atencao, justamente uma semana antes da Quaresta, que e a 4.0 feira de Cinzas momento de reflexao e de penitencia. Fomos no dia 25 de fevereiro as 7:15 a 16th /MISSION BART PLAZ para oferecer as pessoas este momento util e propicio para a reflexao e benevolencia da Graca de Deus.Realmente confesso que foi um moemnto muito importnate para mim e creio que para as pessoas que passavam por nos e mesmo muitos sem entenderem bem iam ate o padre da Paroquia e Reverenda Gloria e nos membros da Paroquia para receber a bencao e a imposicao das Cinzas. Eu fiquei encantado com esta maneira de ser da Igreja Episcopal aqui, tendo em vista que no Brasil a linha e mais evangelica do que aqui. Entretanto, admirei profundamente o trabalho e que os padres exerceram muito bem nesta quarta feira de cinzas.Para mim foi mas uam experiencia de vida e de visao daquilo que a Igreja Episcopal esta fazendo aqui em seu ministerio de vida e de suma Apostolica que e ir de encontro com a o anuncio de CRisto NOsso Salvador. Parabens aoParoco e creio que de modo geral a esta equipe que sem emdo e sem vergonha acreditavam no que estavam fazendo.
Um experiencia de vida, uma experiencia da missao e busca do povo, trazer de volta aqueles que por um momento estao longe ou distante e que nescessitam retonrar. As cinzas representam sem sombra de duvida um convite ao retorno. Realemnte fantastico, realmente sublime, naturalmente bom demais esta missao.
Gracas a Deus por me dar a chanse e a liberdade de escolha
Br Ivanildo
Hello friends,
Pax et Bonum
Allow me to present I am Br. Ivanildo.I Belongs to the O religious Order. Religious Order is defined by a religious organization, with service religious purposes and donation to the brothers and the church life. A religious order is formed by their members through dedicated solemn votes in front of the congregation and the Church that promise to serve God and to the brothers doing and fulfilling their religious vows: poverty, chastity and obedience. With these votes, the religious brothers or sisters living a lifestyle not secular, but in communit life.A Episcopal Church as well as the churches of Catholic tradition or even evangelical, adopt this style of life seeing them there a way to be and belongs to the Church and Community. No religious community living in isolated church, And religious community, when understood in this dimension, make the difference in the structure of the Church as belonging to the wishes and desires of God. I belongs to Society of San Francisco Province of the Americas. I professed my life religious and religious vows in April on July 17, 2006, where our Provincial Br.Jude, Br Tom, Br.Antonio Sato received my vows and of the my brother Cesar in Brasil. Since then do the Society of San Francisco as a family of brothers professed the great family of the Church and I'm here for the serve .I arrived here in the Unite State on 01 August 2008 to continue training religious brothers that all must follow and comply. At the request of State and Provincial here I am. I am here to serve the church and my community in theirs needs. Actually develops my ministries in several places during the week, since the St, Anthony Foundations, Advent Christ, Latino Center, St.Martim of Poor’s and other sectors. Since I arrived here I am doing this work as part of my training and my service in the gift of my life and service of the Church. I have participated in all church parishes until 3 months ago, I identified of the the Parish of St. John the Baptist, for it also a Hispanic ministry and since then I'm attending the church regularly for the two Sunday services: English and Spanish .I am attend of the borth services of this church ,makes me more aligned to their size and their way of being Church and living my design and basking Franciscan.BOrth services are of help to me either in the development of my functions as well as my ministries.Estou here to serve this parish where necessary. Here I report an episode that I drew attention, just one week before Quaresm that Ash Wednesday and 4.0 times of reflection and penance. We were on 25 February the 16th to 7:15 / Mission BART Plaza for the people that offer useful and propitious moment for reflection and benevolence of the grace of God .Really I confess it was a moment very important for me and I think for people who passed by us and that many would not feel well until the priest of the parish and Reverend Gloria and members of the parish to receive the blessing and imposition of ashes. I was delighted with the way the Episcopal Church to be here, considering that in Brazil the line and more evangelical than here. However, ADIM deeply and the work that parents put very well in this Wednesday for me was Ashes .For many it was a experience of life and vision of what the Episcopal Church is doing here in your life and ministry of the Apostolic service and go to Meeting with the announcement of Christ our Savior. Congratulations to the Parish and I think in general this team, without shame and without scared or afraid believed in doing. An experience of life, an experience of mission and search for people, bring back those who are away for a moment or distant and necessary to return. The ashes represent without a doubt an invitation to return. Really fantastic, really sublime, of course too good this mission. Thank God for giving me the opportunity and the freedom of choice
Biblical means about it..
Ash Wednesday is a day of repentanse and it marks the beginning of Lent. Ashes were used in ancient times, according to the Bible, to express mourning. Dusting oneself with ashes was the penitent's way of expressing sorrow for sins and faults. An ancient example of one expressing one's penitence is found in Job 42:3-6. Job says to God: "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes." (vv. 5-6, KJV) Other examples are found in several other books of the Bible including, Numbers 19:9, 19:17, Jonah 3:6, Matthew 11:21, and Luke 10:13, and Hebrews 9:13. Ezekiel 9 also speaks of a linen-clad messenger marking the forehead of the city inhabitants that have sorrow over the sins of the people. All those without the mark are destroyed.
However, some Adventists who do not celebrate Ash Wednesday say that the practice is not consistent with Scripture and is of pagan origin.[13] They usually cite Matthew 6:16–18, where Jesus gave prescriptions for fasting: "And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." (NRSV) These groups argue that Jesus warned against fasting to gain favor from other people and that he also warned his followers that they should fast in private, not letting others know they were fasting. For these reasons, some Christian denominations do not endorse the practice. Others, however, point out that this very passage from Matthew is the one, not coincidentally, that is appointed by the Revised Common Lectionary to be read on Ash Wednesday. They might also clarify that the ashen Cross on the forehead does not represent the fast, but the mortal (fallen) condition of human existence. And they would refer to Jesus' words whereby he expected people to repent using sackcloth and ashes: "Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes." (Luke 10:13; see also Matthew 11:21)
Br ivanildo
Society Saint Francis
San Damiano Friary
573 Dolores Street
CA 94110- fhone: 415-8611372 ex. 23
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