terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2008

The Franciscan life and the life in the world

Chronology of the Life of St. Francis of Assisi

1181-82: born in Assisi. Baptized with the name of Giovanni di Pietro (father) di Bernardone (grandfather). Moved Francisco.

1202: War between Perugia and Assisi. Assisi unsuccessful in Collestrada. Francis, aged 20, is a prisoner years in turkeys. Redeemed by the father, due to illness. In that time it seems that the family of Clara is refugee in turkeys, with her 8 / 9 years of age.

1204: Long disease.

1204-05: Party for the war of Puglia in the south. Lap after vision and message of armed. Beginning of the gradual conversion. In June 1205 the warrior dies of Brienne Gautier, head of expeditions in South

1205: Message from the crucifix of San Damiano. Conflict with his father.

1206: January-February: issue before the bishop Dom Guido II.
March-June: In Gubbio, near Assisi, takes care of lepers.
Probably in July: back to Assisi. Clothes are starting to repair caveman and the chapel of San Damiano.

1208: Works in the repair of San Damiano, St. Peter and St. Mary of the Angels or Porziuncola.

1208: February 24: hear the Gospel of the Mass of San Matias in Portiuncula on the apostolic mission. Change the robes of hermit and passes the use of the itinerant preacher, barefoot. Top of the apostolic preaching. Here begins as the Franciscan way of life, apostolic, presence.
April 16: get your company on the brothers Bernardo and Pedro de QUINTAVALLE Cattani. On 23, receives his brother Egidio in Portiuncula.
March-June: the first mission. Francis and Egidio go to the mark from Ancona in the Adriatic coastline. You receive another three companions, including Philip (Long).
In September and March: the second mission. The seven will Poggiosbustone in the Valley of Rieti. After you have taken certificate of forgiveness of sins and the future growth of the Order, Francisco sends the six, and one more to them information, for the third mission, two by two. Egidio Bernardo and go to Florence.

1209: The eight are back on the Porziuncola. It is assemble them other four.
March-June: Francis Rule and will shortly write to Rome to the eleven. Obtains the approval of Pope Innocent III, only orally. This was the first Rule, lost. In return pass through Orte and take up residence in Rivotorto near Assisi, an abandoned ranch.

1209 or 1210: The brothers change Portiuncola themselves for, after a peasant takes to the ranch of his donkey stable.
Possible beginning of the Third Order Secular. The Portiuncula was the Benedictines cluniacenses that lent to Francis. It is the birthplace of the new Order.

1211: June-September: Francis Goes to Damácia and returns.

1212: March: on the night of Palm Sunday, the noble young Clara di Favarone flees from home and is received in Portiuncula. Maybe some day in May is the monastery of St. Paul and a few weeks in the Benedictine monastery of Panzo (near Assisi) and finally collects to San Damiano, where it will remain until his death in 1253. Followed by the Sister Agnes, 16 days later.

1213 or 1214-15: Francis wants to go on a mission to Morocco, among Muslims, but just enough to Spain, where seriously ill, returning to Italy soon. Thomas of Celano "thanked God that disease" because with the return of Francis, the order is received.

1216: June-September: Francis gets the successor to Innocent III, Pope Honorius III in turkeys, the forgiveness of Portiuncula.

1217: May 5: general chapter of Pentecost in Portiuncula. First mission beyond the Alps and overseas. Establishment of provinces. Frei Egidio go to Tunis. Father Elias to Syria. Francisco wants to travel to France but the Cardinal Hugolino, papal legate in Tuscany, finds him in Florence and convinces to stay in Italy.

1219: May 26: general chapter of Pentecost. Major missions abroad: Germany, Hungary, Spain, Morocco, France. In June, Francisco ranges from ship from Ancona to the Orient, like the others.
Those who go to France, questioned whether albigenses, answered affirmatively, not knowing that the albigenses are called heretics Qatar (pure) South of France. The bishop of Paris and the University lenses, examining its rule, that it is Catholic and evangelical. Run, however, the Pope, asking for information. The states with the Catholics and rule adopted by the Santa Sé.
For Germany traveling around 60. The only known German the word "Ya" (Ja) - yes. Asked if they want food or lodging, answered: "Yeah." Asked if they are heretics Lombardo (poor of Lombardy = Waldenses) and they can spread their errors, it also responds: "Yeah."
Prisoners, shabby, naked, ridiculed, suffer like dogs. Seeing that they can not bear fruit in Germany, back to Italy. Would henceforth begin to judge so cruel that Germany only by the desire of martyrdom return again to it.
In Hungary the missionaries also suffer the most harassment. When will the fields, the pastoral fanning the dogs against them and give them sticks. Thinking they want their clothes, give them the outer tunics. After the internal robes ... Eventually returning to Italy.
Those who go to Morocco, are martyred and then canonized as the Franciscans promártires (Beraldo, Peter, Acúrsio, Adjuto, Otto: 1220). Motivated by this fact, St. Anthony, then regular canon of Coimbra with the name of Fernando, seeking entry into the Franciscan Order.

1219: September-December: Francis goes to the camp of the Sultan of Egypt, Melek el-Kamel (1218-38), and has "interview" with him. The November 5, the army of crusaders takes Damieta, near Alexandria in Egypt. Francis has little result from the Sultan. Write the columnist who, on arrival, is mistreated. Ignoring the language of the Turks, only saying: "Soldano, Soldano." So is brought to their presence and then returned to loved by men from the armies that surround Damieta.

1220: Francisco travels to St. John D'Acre (Accon) where there is a stronghold of the cross, and goes to the Holy Land. In his absence, Francis leaves two "vicar", which, however, are beginning to innovate in order, establishing new day of fasting and abstinence, besides those already marked. A monk in charge of Clares, the Pope asks privileges in their favor, against the wishes of the saint, who prefers "win by more than humility for the power of law." Another, subtracting to the Order, seeks to establish a new order, for lepers of both sexes.

1220: March-September: alarmed by news that a monk leads the East, returns to Italy, landing in Venice. On that occasion, Cardinal Hugolino is appointed protector of the Order.

1220: Francisco handed over the governance of the Order Brother Pedro Cattani, as its vicar.

1221: March: Father Pedro Cattani dies.
May: general chapter of Pentecost. Brother Elias of Cortona vicar is elected to replace the deceased. Francisco presents the second rule (not bulada or not approved by papal bull), which Frei Cesario of Spiers, versed in Sacred Scripture, with many beautiful Bible texts.
Approved the Rule of the Third Order Secular by Pope Honorius II.

1221/1222: Francisco is a journey of preaching to the south of Italy.

1222: August 15: Feast of Assumption. Francis preaches in Bologna (seat of legal studies). His words aimed at more "extinguish enmities and reform the covenants of peace" as a listener reports. "Many factions of nobles, including old enmity there, with bloodshed, were brought to peace."

1223: Fonte Colombo, Francis writes the 3rd Rule, which is discussed in chapter general of June. The discussion continues in Rome, in October Francisco is addressed to the Pope to seek the approval.
Nov. 29: Honorius III approves, with papal bull, the final rule, still in force. The original text is preserved as a relic in the Holy Convent of Assisi. Probably there was collaboration of monks and the representative of Santa Sé.
24/25 December: the night of Christmas, Francisco celebrates the festival in Greccio, with a Nativity scene.

1224: June 2: following a mission of monks to England. Successful.
At the end of July or early August, the vicar of the Order, Father Elias is advised (dream or vision?), Which has yet Francisco two years of life.
August 15 to September 29: Francisco, with Brother Leo and Brother Rufino, is in Alverne, preparing themselves with a Lent of prayer and fasting for the feast of St. Michael Archangel.
In September, is the vision of Serafim winged and receives the stigmata.
In October or early November, returns to Portiuncula Francisco, via Borgo Holy Sepulcher, Mount and City of Castello CASELA.

1224: or 1225, Dec-Feb: riding a donkey, Francisco is a spin by the preaching of Umbria and Marche (Ancona).

1225: March: Visit Clara at San Damiano. His views worsen much, then. He wants to stay there in a cell, or in the home of the chaplain, but, bowing to requests from the vicar of the Order, Father Elias, consent to receive medical treatment: the season is very cold, and the treatment is transferred.
April or May: still in San Damiano, Francis receiving treatment, but does not improve. Receive the promise of eternal life. After a painful night, tormented by pain and by rats, composed the Canticle of Brother Sol Next to Santa Clara.
June: adds a verse to the Canticle of Brother Sun, celebrating the reconciliation between the bishop and Podestá of Assisi.
Early July: in Rieti hosted by Cardinal Hugolino and the papal court to undergo the medical treatment of cutting the pontiff. Source Vai to Colombo for treatment, under the insistence of Cardinal Hugolino, but differs because of the absence of Brother Elias.
July or August: Source in Columbus, the doctor cauterize the temples of Francisco, but with little result.
September: Francis goes to S. Fabiano, near Rieti (Forest), to be treated by another doctor, who operates his view. Then restores the vineyard of the poor p [MADRE, damaged by visitors from Francisco.

1226: Francisco now lives in Rieti, now in Colombo Source.
April: will the Seine for further treatment.
May or June: back to the Porziuncola, via Cortona.
July-August: in the heat of summer is taken to Bagnara, in the hills near Nocera.
End of August or early September: worsening health, is led through Nottiano to the palace of the bishop of Assisi. D. Guido thinks it is absent, on pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Michael, whose feast is celebrated on 29, on Mount Gargano.
Sensing impending death, asks to be taken to the Portiuncula. Reached the plains, launches its blessing on Assisi. In recent days, said the Testament, autotestemunho of inestimable value to the lives and purposes of man so unique.
With the proximity of death, asking that the lie naked on the floor. After accepting the loan habit that gives him the guardian. Do read the Gospel of the Last Supper and bless their children, present and future.

1226: October 3, afternoon: Francisco singing "suscepit mortem" (died singing). On the following Sunday, October 4, is buried in the church of St. George, in the town of Assisi, but the funeral passes before the monastery of San Damiano, for the farewell to Clara.

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